19 March 2013

20:00-22:00 View all events
Data Protection EIF Dinner Debate

With the Data Protection debate at its peak in Parliament, this EIF dinner will give participants the possibility to hear from leading European technology firms and groups on the impact of the proposed regulation. European company leaders will be present to outline how the proposed regulation will affect their businesses.

EIF DINNER DEBATE - 19/03/2013

  • Welcome and introductory remarks:

    Pilar del Castillo, MEP and EIF Chair

  • Speakers:

    Harri Koponen, Chief Operating Officer, Rovio

    Kati Levoranta, Chief Legal Officer, Rovio

    Mikko Niva, Global privacy counsel for Nokia Corporation

    Richard Ward, Government Relations at IBM and Industry Vice Chair of the Data Protection Subgroup in the Digital Single Market Group of Digital Policy Alliance

    Ilias Chantzos, Senior Director, Symantec Government Affairs (EMEA and APJ) and Industry Executive of the Data Protection Subgroup in the Digital Single Market Group of Digital Policy Alliance

  • Exchange of views with participants
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